Teaneck Creek, a tributary of the Hackensack River, was identified as a NY/NJ Harbor Estuary Program Priority Restoration Site in 2003. This 46-acre urban wetland system is part of Bergen County Overpeck Park, located 10 miles from midtown Manhattan. Funding provided by the NJ Wetlands Mitigation Council supported baseline research describing the site's hydrology and vegetation in order to develop a Conceptual Wetland Restoration Plan, which was completed and approved by the New Jersey Wetlands Mitigation Council in 2008. In order to proceed with the proposed wetland restoration, Bergen County hired Biohabitats to develop the Final Wetland Restoration Plan, which was completed in late 2015. The new plan takes into account park improvements made by the Teaneck Creek Conservancy volunteers and Bergen County Audubon volunteers, as well as management of the site's stormwater inputs, designed by Biohabitats. The Final Wetland Restoration plan has been submitted to the NJDEP, and Bergen County is awaiting final approval of the plan. The County has also applied for grant funding to support restoration of the "Stormwater Canyon" area next to the Puffin Foundation parking lot. As this restoration proceeds, the County will also be following NJDEP-mandated removal of debris from the wetlands and closure of the historic landfilled sections of the park located along DeGraw Ave.