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CUES-Sustainable Jersey Brownfields Task Force

Photo: Liberty State Park Cement Plant (2012. Courtesy of Alisa Stanislaw).
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The Rutgers Center for Urban Environmental Sustainability (CUES) and Sustainable Jersey™ formed a Task Force that has developed a Brownfields Tool Box, which includes three actions municipal Green Teams can take to support the cleanup and adaptive reuse of Brownfield sites in their community. Actions include guidance materials that provide the information a Green Team needs to meet Brownfields point criteria. The Brownfields Tool Box was added to the Sustainable Jersey™ Program in 2013 and additional actions are being developed.

The Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation provided the initial funding for this initiative, which is now done by CUES on a pro bono basis. The Task Force is working in close collaboration with the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP). CUES Brownfields Task Force participants included representatives from NJDEP, environmental NGOs, developers, lawyers, and environmental remediation professionals.

Task Force Members

Project Duration

Rutgers Principal Investigators


NJ Legislative Districts