The City of Perth Amboy intends to expand Rudyk Park into two vacant properties for new green space, recreation parking, and proposed firehouse. The property closest to the Park is City-owned. The other is adjacent to High Street, and is private property with its access under negotiation.
On behalf of the City, the Middlesex County Improvement Authority (MCIA) is using federal funds to contract the Rutgers Center for Urban Environmental Sustainability (CUES) to conduct community outreach and to prepare a conceptual design report. The City is providing nearby neighborhood canvassing for input and to invite residents to attend two project workshops.
On a parallel track, Sovereign Consulting is conducting a Preliminary Assessment (PA), Site Investigation (SI) Work Plan, and a Site Investigation for the City-owned property. A list of Areas of Concern (AOC) is anticipated to be ready on March 28, the PA by April 1, and the SI by September 9. The AOC list and the results of the SI may inform design decisions.