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Drumthwacket Garden

Photo of Drumthwacket.

Drumthwacket Estate, the official residence of the governor of New Jersey in Princeton, has the potential to serve as a home, welcoming meeting place, and model of public estate management. Based on historic research and onsite investigation, a comprehensive inventory of existing conditions of Drumthwacket Garden and outlines first steps toward the goal to preserve its historic significance, enhance public engagement in its upkeep, increase education opportunities, and incorporate best practices for sustainable stormwater management and habitat diversity.

In a second step, the team developed specific action items that will improve plantings following historic preservation and ecological development goals, introduce sustainable storm-water management and increase educational opportunities.

A long-term management and maintenance plan will ensure that Drumthwacket Gardens will function as a welcoming meeting place for New Jersey residents and as a model of public estate management.