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Susanne Moebus

Photo: Susanne Moebus

Susanne Moebus

Professor & Head

University Hospital Essen, Institute for Urban Public Health


Susanne Moebus is full professor at the University Hospital of Essen where she heads the newly founded Institute for Urban Public Health (InUPH) — formerly Centre for Urban Epidemiology. She has a PhD in Biology as well as a master degree in Public Health/Epidemiology. She is principle investigator of several epidemiological cohort studies. The Institute's research interests address the beneficial and adverse effects of the urban environment on population health, integrating environmental justice and sustainability approaches.

Rutgers Climate Bridge Panel 1: Impact on People


Worldwide, and thus on both sides of the Atlantic, the same relationships become apparent time and again: as social, economic, and environmental inequality increases, vulnerability increases and health chances decrease. Climate change driven planning and policy must also take responsibility for the health of the population in its decision-making processes.