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Anushka Srivastava

Photo: Anushka Srivastava

Atlantic Sea Surface Temperature Anomalies and New Jersey Tropical Precipitation: 1982–2020

Anushka Srivastava, Student

Columbia University


This study assesses Mid-Atlantic Sea surface temperature (SST) and sea surface temperature anomalies (SSTA), with respect to the distance, strength and weighted statewide precipitation deposited by tropical storm events impacting New Jersey (e.g., Hurricane Floyd (1999) Hurricane Irene (2011), Super Storm Sandy (2012)). It further uses those variables to evaluate a potential link between SSTA and precipitation, finding a positive relationship between the two. The analysis further finds steadily rising SSTA over the study period of 1982-2020. Future research would include a substantial dataset that could allow for modeling and a more substantial SST and SSTA reference climatology. These findings have further socio-economic implications to New Jersey residents as the frequency and intensity extreme weather events increases.

Poster (1.5mb PDF)

Presentation Video (YouTube video)
